admin 发表于 2020-4-8 20:36:39

氛围电吉他连复段 Audiofier Riffendium 3 KONTAKT

Audiofier Riffendium 3 KONTAKT
Team DECiBEL | 31 Mar 2020 | 5.70GB
Riffendium 3-氛围吉他
RIFFENDIUM SERIES是一个主题样本库集合,适用于现代生产商和作曲家。 它包括真实,建模,合成和设计乐器的循环,从而为电子和有机音乐的创作者提供了鼓舞人心的声音原始调色板。

Introducing the new member of the Riffendium Series for Kontakt 5.8
Riffendium 3 - Ambient Guitars
RIFFENDIUM SERIES is a themed sample library collection for modern producers and composers. It includes loops of real, modeled, synthesized and designed instruments, resulting in an original palette of inspiring sounds for creators of electronic and organic music.

The third instalment in this series is a collection of Ambient electric guitar loops which spans from clean arpeggios techniques to emotive chords and melodies.


2+2 Instruments
The third instalment of Riffendium series includes 2+2 instruments: RIFFENDIUM3 and RIFFENDIUM3 REV, and their DI and REV DI counterparts, bundled in a single package. RIFFENDIUM3's samples pool is made of recordings taken from the amplifier's output and offers ready made guitar sounds, for a fast workflow. RIFFENDIUM3 REV offers the same sample pool, but adds the option to reverse each slice to create exciting new guitar parts and soundscapes.

RIFFENDIUM3 DI and REV DI offer samples taken from the guitar output signal, allowing you to use your favourite Amp Simulator and guitar chain, to fit your music 100%.

2 Main Instruments: Main & REV
2 DI instruments to be used with third party amp simulators (DI & REV DI)
44 Loop Styles in all Major, Minor keys and more.
Master Assignable Filter with a selections of 7 filter types.
Automatic double tracking with dedicated effect pedals chain (Main, DI)
Independent pitch control for double track guitar
Reversible slices (REV & REV DI only)
140+ Presets Snasphots

4 distortion pedals, 4 modulation pedals, 2 Bands Eq,
Independent effects pedals for Double Track (Main & DI)
Independent effects pedals for Reversed Track (REV & REV DI)
Stereo Widener for Main guitar Track,
Stereo Width control for Main and Double Tracked Guitars
Master Delay, Master Algorithmic and Convolution Reverb.

Step Volume.
Step Filters.
Stutter Repeater.
Host, half time and double time syncing.
Full re-ordering of slices, with randomisation and 2 parts, 8 save/recall memory slots.
Manual recording of sequence and step edit feature.
Categorised browser.
And more...


Requires NI Kontakt 5.8.1 (R43), RIFFENDIUM3 does not work with Kontakt Player.

请使用 KONTAKT 5.8.1 或更高版本打开

Home page:

EricWong 发表于 2020-4-8 22:40:45


qwe123a1a 发表于 2020-4-9 06:01:51


gigifo 发表于 2020-4-9 18:42:39


wdnmd9418 发表于 2020-4-9 19:52:34

很给力 奥利给

gnrsbass 发表于 2020-4-10 06:55:53


dexterstop 发表于 2020-4-10 11:31:35


xulong712 发表于 2020-4-10 12:08:49

找好久了诶 终于拿回来了~

[email protected] 发表于 2020-4-10 14:35:56


lxz0817 发表于 2020-4-11 01:23:43

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查看完整版本: 氛围电吉他连复段 Audiofier Riffendium 3 KONTAKT