admin 发表于 2021-1-8 19:17:01

Getgood Drums One Kit Wonder Aggressive Rock v1.0.0 KONTAKT

Getgood Drums One Kit Wonder Aggressive Rock v1.0.0 KONTAKT
SEnki | 05 January 2021 | 2.34 GB


One Kit Wonder系列的灵感来自使用我们的库进行歌曲创作的许多GGD用户。我们知道,在灵感来袭与获得灵感之间浪费最少的时间是至关重要的,而且,让您听到自己的想法听起来很优美和专业,使您在不断发展的过程中保持兴奋非常重要。

每个One Kit Wonder的捕获细节都与我们的其他库相同,但是完全混合并且可以使用,因此您可以直接投入写作创造力,并立即听到您的想法听起来令人赞叹。

The One Kit Wonder series was inspired by the many GGD users who use our libraries for songwriting. We know how crucial it is that there is as little time wasted between the moment inspiration strikes and you being able to capture it, and how important it is that you can hear your ideas sounding polished and professional so you stay excited as you develop them.

Each One Kit Wonder is captured to the same level of detail as our other libraries but comes fully mixed and ready to go so you can dive straight into writing creativity and hear your ideas immediately sound amazing.

One Kit Wonder: Aggressive Rock was conceived with the goal of delivering an extremely beefy sounding kit suitable for contemporary heavy rock. Inspired by bands like Beartooth, we chose a small setup of low-tuned drums along with cutting, slightly trashy cymbals. Where these drum tones stand apart from the norm is that there are no layered one-shot samples - this is all one single set of drums tuned, engineered and mixed to deliver the blunt force attack and shotgun-style room ambience that conveys the power and aggression needed for the style. Check out the features:

Kontakt Player Library (with full NKS integration) and can be used with Kontakt’s Free Player – no need to buy the full version of Kontakt to use GGD!
Mix ready drum tones - good to go out of the box
A brand new, fully-featured and intuitive UI
Built-in Groove player
Built-in Master EQ, Parallel Compression and Reverb
The entire kit is tuned to perfection, so you’ll never be fighting against sour notes in your mix
Every sample is phase-coherent for easy layering
It’s our hope that this sample library will remove frustrating barriers in your creative process so that you can enjoy making music to the fullest.

Home Page - ... der-aggressive-rock

猪头笨蛋 发表于 2021-1-8 20:07:15


wto9090 发表于 2021-1-11 10:28:42


花小花 发表于 2021-1-11 11:05:23


chleh233 发表于 2021-1-15 01:54:00


fgry 发表于 2021-1-25 03:19:49


苏程Superfect 发表于 2021-1-26 02:09:46


xcymz 发表于 2021-1-27 08:16:36


Kirisame-Moisa 发表于 2021-1-27 08:44:50


xieduimian 发表于 2021-1-27 10:13:19

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