admin 发表于 2021-7-7 17:07:02

提琴四重奏 NI Cremona Quartet v1.0.1 KONTAKT ISO + UPDATE

NI Cremona Quartet v1.0.1 KONTAKT ISO + UPDATE
这些乐器都出自最为杰出的制琴师之手。 我们邀请了杰出的提琴演奏家,并精心选用了一系列麦克风与话放,在位于克雷莫纳的著名声学空间 Giovanni Arvedi 礼堂中完成了录制,使得其细腻而丰满的音色能够不朽于现在与未来的音乐制作当中。

STRADIVARI 小提琴 -VESUVIUS’:制作于1644年,其制作者 Antonio Stradivari 是一名家喻户晓、名垂青史的小提琴制作师。 他对比例与形状方面的创新引领了一场制琴趋势,并延续至今。 它这款名为‘Vesuvius’的小提琴,是我们 CREMONA QUARTET 的绝对主角,其制作于1727年,诞生于制琴大师黄金年代的终期。
此外,你也能够在 STRADIVARI VIOLIN 下演奏 Vesuvius 的独奏声。

STRADIVARI 大提琴 - ‘STAUFFER’:尽管 Stradivari 以制作小提琴而闻名,但他所制作过的乐器可不仅仅只有小提琴。 他的‘Stauffer’大提琴制作于1700年,被列为意大利的国宝。 它用甜美而深沉的音色,为合奏整体增添了厚度与分量,完善了整个四重奏的音色。

GUARNERI 小提琴 -PRINCE DORIA’:Stradivari 可能是世界上最为著名的小提琴制琴师,但也有许多世界知名的演奏家与作曲家表示 Guarneri del Gesù 才是最好的。 我们四重奏中的第二把小提琴则是出自于他的‘Prince Doria’,制作于1734年。

AMATI 中提琴 - STAUFFER’:Andrea Amati 是一位开拓性的制琴师,被广泛认为是小提琴的发明者。 他的儿子 Gerolamo 在克雷莫纳的家庭作坊中延续了这一传统手艺,并于1614年制造了四重奏中最古老的乐器‘Stauffer’中提琴。

每一个音符的每种技法都是由定制的麦克风阵列完成录制的,在声学空间上我们更是选用了 Giovanni Arvedi 礼堂作为录音环境。 在录制期间,克雷莫纳的居民也以停止礼堂附近的交通活动而间接参与到了录音当中。

历经 SESSION STRINGS 与 SESSION HORNS 的成功之后,e-instruments 在乐器细节采样上有着颇为丰富的见解。 他们随后启动了 CREMONA QUARTET 项目,以数字的方式保存这些非凡而稀有的乐器之声,供当前与未来的编曲师以及音乐人在现在音乐制作中使用。 该团队使用了最优质的录音设备,只求捕捉住每种乐器的独有特色。
CREMONA QUARTET brings together four of the world’s most valuable string instruments. Featuring phase-aligned stereo samples and performance-captured vibrato, plus extensive chromatic sampling of 20 articulations, every quirk and nuance of these historic treasures is now available to producers via a wealth of cutting-edge parameter controls.

Known as the birthplace of strings, the Italian city of Cremona has a long and special history. Built hundreds of years ago with wood from surrounding forests, each instrument has its own unique personality, and together their sound represents the heart, soul and magic of the region. A collection of four cherished string instruments dating back to the 1600s, CREMONA QUARTET captures and preserves every detail of their rare characteristics.

These instruments were made by the finest luthiers in history. With each articulation of every note played by virtuoso performers in Cremona’s Auditorium Giovanni Arvedi, and recorded in exceptional detail, their sounds are now immortalised for contemporary productions.

Born around 1644, household name Antonio Stradivari is the most famous luthier in the history of violin making. His innovations in proportion and shape set trends that continue to influence the craft today. His ‘Vesuvius’ violin, the leader of our CREMONA QUARTET, was built in 1727 towards the end of the master craftsman’s golden period.

You can also access the sound of Vesuvius in solo form with STRADIVARI VIOLIN.

Though best known for violin making, Stradivari also made other stringed instruments. His ‘Stauffer’ cello, built in 1700, is listed as an Italian national treasure. Completing the quartet with luscious deep tones, it adds weight to the overall sound of the ensemble.

Stradivari may be the world’s most famous violin maker, but many of the world’s most prominent players and composers consider Guarneri del Gesù to be the best. The second violin in the quartet is his ‘Prince Doria’, built in 1734.

A pioneering luthier, Andrea Amati is widely regarded as the inventor of the violin as we know it. His son Gerolamo continued this tradition in the family workshop in Cremona, and built the quartet’s oldest instrument, the ‘Stauffer’ viola, in 1614.

The sounds of CREMONA QUARTET were captured using a bespoke array of microphones and preamps, placed in a specially designed acoustic environment. Even the local people of Cremona played their part, with all traffic near the auditorium stopped for the duration of the recordings, to ensure that no external noise could interrupt the process.

Product type:
KOMPLETE Instrument

Instrument type:
Solo Violin, Solo Cello, Solo Viola

For use with:
Free KONTAKT PLAYER version 6.2.2 and higher, or KONTAKT version 6.2.2 and higher.

Sound category:
Solo Strings

Number of NKIs:
2 per instrument, 8 in total

Download size:
Stradivari Violin 23.5 GB (about 39 GB uncompressed sample pool)
Guarneri Violin 25.6 GB (about 42 GB uncompressed sample pool)
Amati Viola 24.3 GB (about 40 GB uncompressed sample pool)
Stradivari Cello 27.3 GB (about 45 GB uncompressed sample pool)

System requirements:
Free KONTAKT PLAYER version 6.2.2 and higher, or KONTAKT version 6.2.2 and higher.   请使用 KOTANKT 6.2.2 或更高版本打开


v1.1.3 2020-11-16
FIXED Some snapshots not loading correctly in Maschine and Komplete
IMPROVED Impulse response for vibrato sound
FIXED Samples would load on restart even for purged NKI

v1.0.1 - 2020-11-02
IMPROVED Impulse response for vibrato sound
FIXED Samples would load on restart even for purged NKIs

Home page - https://www.native-instruments.c ... ic/cremona-quartet/

icebaby 发表于 2021-7-8 09:58:55


Nothingness321 发表于 2021-7-8 16:15:53


Xmanbe 发表于 2021-7-9 10:01:26


wkj92995 发表于 2021-7-9 16:45:05

hao de xiazaiza a

wkj92995 发表于 2021-7-9 16:47:03


Xmanbe 发表于 2021-7-12 10:25:26


SakuraEx 发表于 2021-7-12 22:34:50


dallmeyer99 发表于 2021-7-18 20:33:30

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tigerLXX 发表于 2021-8-4 23:27:46

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查看完整版本: 提琴四重奏 NI Cremona Quartet v1.0.1 KONTAKT ISO + UPDATE