admin 发表于 2022-1-26 12:44:54

Eplex7 DSP Vintage Vacuum Tube VD76 v1.0.0-R2R WiN

Eplex7 DSP Vintage Vacuum Tube VD76 v1.0.0-R2R WiN
Eplex7 DSP 最新发布了一款据称能够精确模拟真空管的建模插件 Vintage vacuum tube VD76 ,适用于电子鼓、原声鼓、贝司、合成器、吉他、人声、打击乐等任何元素的混音。


Eplex7 DSP声称自己在模拟电子产品中对数字声音处理和调教方面拥有超过 17 年的经验,因此他们能以非常准确的方式设计出模拟真实真空管的独特算法,借助于独家虚拟模拟电路仿真技术,重新建模了真实的模拟电路来为真空管的整体声音进行染色。

Eplex7 的独特建模技术结合了虚拟模拟电路、单个组件建模以及虚拟电路和插件方案中选定部分的硬件捕获方法
输入旋钮(更多输入 意味着更多对整个系统的音染和饱和度)
电路电源 (能为你的声音尤其是贝司和鼓添加肥厚感,模拟真空管周围电路的行为)
低通滤波器从 0 到 70 Hz,以消除最深的次低音
模拟电路/真空管的温度 – 在电子元件中,温度越高通常意味着会带来更多噪声,因为温度越高意味着电子运动更频繁。不过添加一点点模拟噪声可令信号更加自然、舒适,此外还能消除尖锐的失真。
2001 - 明亮、现代且精确的测量管
1950年 - 具有圆润瞬态和暗淡平滑声音特点的老式真空管
1976年 - 具有圆润瞬态、加倍的、具有松脆声音的复古真空管
仅支持 Windows系统的32/64位VST插件
Vacuum tube (or also called valve in Great Britan) is electronic component / device used in audio industry mainly as amplification component before transistors were found.

While transistors are cheaper and more effective with longer lifetime, vacuum tubes are very popular until today and preferred by many audiophiles from hi-end listening rooms (vacuum tube amps) to professional recording / mixing studios (equalizers, preamps, compressors and warming devices).

The type of vacuum tube known as a thermionic tube / valve uses the phenomenon of thermionic emission of electrons from a hot cathode (electrons are emitted in vacuum tube space of glass tube) with use of heater supply (that is why tube is glowing) and is used for a number of fundamental electronic functions such as signal amplification.

Thanks to heather inside tube not just vacuum tube is hot, but also sound is significantly warmer. Signal is not going thru wires but thru vacuum tube “space” and electrons are “flying” from hot cathode (warmed with heater) to anode – where amplified signal is received.

This phenomenon affect signal / sound in way appreciated by audiophiles – transients and trebles are not so sharp – they are smoother, rounder and more pleasant to ears, signal is saturated – bass is fatter and warmer, mids and trebles are colored.

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