
标题: 喷火电影打击三件套 Spitfire Audio HZ01/HZ02/HZ03 Hans Zimmer Percussion [打印本页]

作者: admin    时间: 2020-6-10 19:28
标题: 喷火电影打击三件套 Spitfire Audio HZ01/HZ02/HZ03 Hans Zimmer Percussion
Spitfire Audio HZ01/HZ02/HZ03 Hans Zimmer Percussion
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Spitfire Audio与Hans Zimmer合作创建了Hans Zimmer打击乐系列,使用与Hans Zimmer的乐谱和个人样本收藏相同的播放器和录音方法采样了电影打击乐库。该系列目前分为三册:HZ01 –伦敦乐团(约603美元),HZ02 –洛杉矶(约301美元)和HZ03 –伦敦独奏者(约301美元)

汉斯·齐默(HANS ZIMMER)是他这一代最成功,最有影响力和最多产的电影作曲家之一。曾获得无数奖项(包括奥斯卡奖以及学术提名的尴尬)。HZ的成绩凸显了一代非常成功的电影,这些电影已经获得了数十亿美元的收入,无数的奖项和好评。汉斯不仅定义了作曲风格,而且定义了影响了一代作曲家的制作方法和声音创新。

Spitfire Audio很高兴和荣幸地介绍由汉斯·齐默尔(Hans Zimmer)和他的钻石级团队(由获奖的工程师,音乐家和技术人员组成)生产的一系列产品。汉斯·齐默尔(Hans Zimmer)的声音创作风格方法经常被复制或模仿,我们很自豪地以大型的HZ对电影打击乐制作的开拓性方法向世界展示。这里不是他的方法的模拟或综合,而是一种娱乐。同一间工作室,音乐家,乐器,信号链和才华横溢的工程师坐在一起,由汉斯亲自监督了十年的经验,创新和完善。同样注重细节,完美,但最重要的是,您可以期望最大的音响师为您提供可调节性和定制化的无穷选择。

HZ01 uses several larger patches that let you switch between multiple related sounds using the GUI: All in One, Bucket Hits, Exotic Hits, Low Hits, Metal Hits, Taiko Hits and Timpani Hits. You’ll find all of these in the root of whatever mix or mic folder you’ve chosen (more on that in the next section), along with an Individual Patches folder that let you load each patch individually (instead of using a GUI to switch) if you prefer and an “Other Patches” folder where you will find the Punch COG patch versions (also found in other Spitfire Audio libraries) that allow you to modify specific round robin samples at your discretion or omit them from the round robin chain entirely.

HZ02’s star is a single Jason Bonham kit recorded in different locations, so most of the patches are dedicated to that. However, the Bonus Instruments section contains one patch each for Bass Drum, Surdos and Toms (each of which has Close, Tree, Outrigger, St and Sr mics). There’s also the Hans Zimmer modular synth percussion patch (single position, for obvious reasons) that is found in the Hans Zimmer folder.

HZ03 has the most straightforward patch organization: Buckets, Crusher Solo, Darbucket, Darbuka, Dohl, Paper Djun, Snare Solo, Surdo Solo and Tombek. These patches provide a more detailed, individual take on some of the instruments covered in an ensemble fashion in HZ01 (where they were often only available layered with others). This time around there are no sub-folders for individual patches (since the main patches are already individual patches) or for Punch COG versions. There also no stereo mix folders – that makes a certain level of sense since those purchasing HZ03 are most likely looking for more hands-on control anyway.

You can read up on the instruments offered more specifically at SpitfireAudio.com where the manuals for each volume are also hosted, but there are many instruments you may not realize you need until you play them, so don’t just stick to the names you know.

Most of the patches (exempting the timpani, rock kit and a few others) are played entirely using the white keys, and the starting note for the overwhelming majority is the same, making it relatively easy to sequence a part for one percussion instrument and then bring it over to another track. I found this very useful when writing layered parts and quickly organized my template so that the handful of instruments that did not use the same starting note were put elsewhere.

Home Page - https://www.spitfireaudio.com/sh ... duct&utm_medium=web

作者: soralyee55    时间: 2022-6-21 01:12
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