
标题: 音频录制内录工具 Rogue Amoeba Audio Hijack v3.8.7 MacOSX [打印本页]

作者: admin    时间: 2021-10-14 20:26
标题: 音频录制内录工具 Rogue Amoeba Audio Hijack v3.8.7 MacOSX
Rogue Amoeba Audio Hijack v3.8.7 MacOSX
音频劫持 3 – 使用音频劫持录制任何音频!从 iTunes、Skype 或 Safari 等应用程序或麦克风和混音器等硬件设备保存音频。使用全局键盘快捷键,转录音频比以往任何时候都更容易。永远不要离开您的文本编辑应用程序!轻松导出 Sessions 以与其他人共享或导入 Session,这样您就可以准确了解其他人的设置方式。便利!


录制 从麦克风、混音器或其他音频输入设备录制。

系统音频源可帮助您录制在 Mac 上听到的所有音频。


VoIP 录音
轻松保存来自 Skype、FaceTime、Google Talk 等的对话。


使用 Volume Overdrive 使事情超过 100%。

如果您仍有磁带或黑胶唱片上的音乐,Audio Hijack 可以帮助您将其数字化。

从 DVD 中
提取从音乐会 DVD、电影等中导入音频,以便在 iTunes 及其他版本中收听。

如果您不太了解音频格式,Audio Hijack 可以为您提供帮助。

录制为世界上最流行的音频格式,包括 MP3 和 AAC。

您还可以将完美保真音频保存为 AIFF、WAV、Apple Lossless 或 FLAC。





– 使用模板选择器获取预先配置的会话。根据需要调整!
– 根据自己的喜好配置会话后,您可以反复使用它。
– 在“录音”选项卡中查找按会话排序的所有录音。
– 通过单击播放来检查您的录音。
– 包含的音频效果易于使用且易于保护眼睛。
– DJ 和播客会喜欢自动闪避。
– 快速将文件传递到音频编辑器、将它们添加到 iTunes 或共享它们,所有这些都从“录音”选项卡中完成。
– 使用“时间表”选项卡设置定时录音,以便在您不在时使用。
– 日程安排功能还可以将 Mac 上的任何应用程序变成闹钟。
– 暂停、延迟和倒带实时音频。非常适合转录音频等!
– 查看新的、精确校准的峰值/RMS 表,其中包含削波指示器。
– 音频与视频不同步?使用 Sync 模块将音频精确延迟最多 1000 毫秒。

Audio Hijack 3 – Record any audio, with Audio Hijack! Save audio from applications like iTunes, Skype or Safari, or from hardware devices like microphones and mixers.Transcribing audio is easier than ever, with global keyboard shortcuts. Never leave your text editing app! Easily export Sessions to share with other people or import Session, so you can see exactly how someone else has things set. Handy!

Record Any App
Just select an application and hit Record. Now you’re saving its audio!

Record From Devices
Record from microphones, mixers, or other audio input devices.

Record System Audio
The System Audio source helps you record all the audio heard on your Mac.

Record Web Streams
There’s oodles of streaming audio on the web. Use Audio Hijack to save it.

VoIP Recording

Easily save conversations from Skype, FaceTime, Google Talk, and more.

Podcast Recording
Customizable source and recording options give podcasters full control.

Increase the Volume
Stuck with small laptop speakers Use Volume Overdrive to crank things past 100%.

Import Analog Content
If you still have music on tapes or vinyl, Audio Hijack can help you digitize it.

Pull From DVDs
Import audio from concert DVDs, movies, and more, for listening in iTunes and beyond.

Easy Recording Defaults
If you don’t know much about audio formats, Audio Hijack is here to help.

Popular Formats
Record to the world’s most popular audio formats, including MP3 and AAC.

Lossless Formats Too
You can also save perfect-fidelity audio in AIFF, WAV, Apple Lossless, or FLAC.

Bulletproof Recording
Bulletproof recording means that even if your computer crashes, you’ll never lose a recording.

Recording Presets
Tweak your recording settings to perfection, then save a preset for future use with just one click.

Smart Controls
Automatically split files based on size, time, or silence. Neat!

Silence Monitoring
Automatically stop recording, split to a new file, or remove audio, based on silence in the audio.

So Much More!
– Use the Template Chooser to get a pre-configured Session. Tweak as needed!
– Once you’ve configured a Session to your liking, you can re-use it over and over.
– Find all of your recordings, sorted by Session, in the Recordings tab.
– Check your recordings by playing them back with a single click.
– The included audio effects are easy to use and easy on the eyes.
– DJs and podcasters will love automatic ducking.
– Quickly pass files to an audio editor, add them to iTunes, or share them, all from the Recordings tab.
– Use the Schedule tab to set up timed recordings, for when you’re not around.
– The Scheduling feature can also turn any app on your Mac into an alarm clock.
– Pause, delay, and rewind live audio. Perfect for transcribing audio and more!
– Check out the new, precisely calibrated Peak/RMS Meter, replete with clipping indicators.
– Audio out of sync with video Use the Sync block to precisely delay audio by up to 1000 milliseconds.


Home page - https://rogueamoeba.com/audiohijack/

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