
[混音插件/效果器] 强大的混音工具 Toontrack EZmix2 v2.1.4 WiN MacOSX

admin 发表于 2020-6-19 19:21:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 打印 上一主题 下一主题
应用平台Windows MacOS 


Toontrack EZmix2 v2.1.4 WiN MacOSX
Team R2R | WiN: 76 MB | MAC: 58 MB
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– 内部AU名称已从“EZdrummer 2”更改为“EZdrummer”,它在2.1.1及更早版本中,用于恢复某些主机中的保存文件兼容性。
– 在来自地狱的Drumkit中,如果来自另一个扩展的声音加载到乐器上,在某些情况下点击该乐器可能会导致崩溃。
– 单击Toontrack solo中歌曲轨道下的速度按钮可能会导致崩溃。
– 如果无法访问或创建用户MIDI文件夹,则插件在实例化时崩溃。
– 在编辑播放样式中拖动清晰度列表不会预览任何声音。
– 从浏览器拖动时y坐标错误。
– 当达到循环终点时,标记当前记录的红色半透明块有时变得太长,并且它不再在循环中重叠。
– 录制时现在禁用以下内容:移动播放头或循环区域,撤消/重做,歌曲轨道上下文菜单,循环切换以及其他一些内容。
– 浏览器中的向上/向下箭头键现在可以在Mac上的更多主机中使用。

EZmix is a simple, yet powerful mixing tool that gives you access to a huge array of mix presets for the whole gamut of mixing needs. Whether you need to mix drums, vocals, guitars, bass or keyboards this is your tool. Simply insert EZmix on a channel strip in your sequencer, and pick a preset to apply to your audio source. Done. In addition, EZmix comes with a standalone host that you can use to practice your guitar with using the included amplifiers and cabinets simulations. Of course, those are available when using your recording application too!

Bug fixes in version 2.1.4:

– The internal AU name has been changed back from “EZdrummer 2” to “EZdrummer”, which it was in 2.1.1 and earlier, to restore save file compatibility in some hosts.
– In Drumkit from Hell, if a sound from another expansion was loaded on an instrument, clicking on that instrument could lead to a crash in some cases.
– Clicking the tempo button under the song track in Toontrack solo could lead to a crash.
– If the User MIDI folder could not be accessed or created, the plug-in crashed when instantiated.
– Dragging across articulation lists in Edit Play Style did not preview any sound.
– Dragging from the Browser had wrong y coordinate.
– The red translucent block that marks the current recording sometimes became too long when a loop endpoint was reached, and it no longer overlaps itself in a loop.
– The following is now disabled while recording: moving the playhead or loop area, Undo/Redo, song track context menus, loop toggling and a few more things.
– Up/down arrow keys in the Browser should work in more hosts on Mac now.

Home Page - https://www.toontrack.com/product/ezmix-2/

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