
[铜管] Kirk Hunter Studios Kinetic: Brass Motion Engine KONTAKT

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Kirk Hunter Studios Kinetic: Brass Motion Engine KONTAKT
KONTAKT - 10,28 GB

Create Sophisticated Patterns with No Musical Theory Training Necessary
At the time of this publication, there does not exist another instrument that can let you play FOUR short sample brass sections (trumpets, French horns, trombones and tubas) at the SAME TIME. But with Kinetic, you get the entire brass section in one instrument. That means you get a separate timeline for each section. Each timeline contains 64 note or rest events and can be divided into up to 4 "regions". And you can have each timeline play a different pattern whether you hold down a single note or chord!

Choose from 30 fun-to-play presets. And if you really want to get wild, you can choose the any of the same 30 presets for each section separately. That means you could have the trumpets playing the "Superman" preset, the French horns play the "Terminator" preset, the trombones play the "Xmen" preset, and the tubas play the "Cap. America" preset ALL AT THE SAME TIME! And of course, any or all of these patterns can be edited.

You can also load "perpetual motion" patterns that include very useful accents. These accents can be based on every 2, 3, 4 or 6 events. Additionally, you can set whether the accents are subtle, moderate or dynamic.

Kinetic Brass contains 4 trumpets, 4 French horns, 4 trombones, and 2 tubas. Included articulations are Staccato, Marcato, and Portato. And each articulation can be "tightened or broadened".

Recorded at the First Presbyterian Church, Santa Monica where A-list Los Angeles-based orchestras record and perform.

The World’s Most Flexible Ostinato Pattern Brass
- Various "short" samples applied to 4 Brass Sections in ONE Instrument
- Create Sophisticated Patterns with No Musical Theory Training Necessary
- Intelligent Brass Motion Engine
- Bring Motion to Brass With Unparalleled Ease
- Powerful & Intuitive Design
- Dynamic Randomization with Instant Results
- A Brass Instrument Like No Other
- Epic & Cinematic
- Infinite Results
- Instant Brass Rhythms

Requirements: NI Kontakt FULL v5.7.1 or newer!   请使用 KONTAKT 5.7.1 或更高版本打开

Home Page - https://www.kirkhunterstudios.co ... rass-motion-engine/



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