
[混音插件/效果器] Toontrack EZmix2 v2.1.5 CE Rev2 WiN

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Toontrack EZmix2 v2.1.5 CE Rev2 WiN
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EZmix 2.1.5发行说明


  • 现在,选择/取消选择过滤器的方法有所不同:单击一行现在会取消选择列中的所有其他行,同时使/保持选中的行处于选中状态。要取消选择或多选,请在按住Ctrl(Windows)/ Cmd(Mac)的同时单击
  • 现在,效果框工具提示将更详细地说明预设正在使用的某些效果。例如,它不再只说“失真”,而是说“九号管”,“胖帽”等。
  • 现在,效果框工具提示会说出当前预设是否包含多个具有相同名称的效果(内部具有相同或不同的效果)。
  • 形状控制工具提示现在对某些效果使用更具体的名称(例如效果框工具提示)。


  • 现在,内部LFO可以再次延迟控制Time参数。这最后在版本2.1.1中起作用。 “ Ambient Delays”和“ Ambient Reverbs”包中的多个预设以及“ Indie Guitars”中的一个预设(“ Modulated Pitched Delay”)都会受到影响
  • 以反向延迟增加“时间”参数(如果将形状控件绑定到该参数)将不再引起任何咔嗒声。
  • 从2.1.4版本开始,打开包含EZmix的Pro Tools项目有时会崩溃。
  • 如果输入或输出电平的变化小于0.4 dB,则所选的预设/收藏夹未显示为已修改(带有星号)。现在0.1 dB就足够了。
  • 在形状控制工具提示中,可以多次列出具有相同名称(但内部为不同效果)的多个效果,例如“ Amplifier Tone,Amplifier” –现在将它们合并。
  • 按乐器,类型,流派或制作人排序很慢,并且已经过优化。

EZmix is a simple, yet powerful mixing tool that gives you access to a huge array of mix presets for the whole gamut of mixing needs. Whether you need to mix drums, vocals, guitars, bass or keyboards this is your tool. Simply insert EZmix on a channel strip in your sequencer, and pick a preset to apply to your audio source. Done. In addition, EZmix comes with a standalone host that you can use to practice your guitar with using the included amplifiers and cabinets simulations. Of course, those are available when using your recording application too!


Selecting/deselecting filters now works a bit differently: Clicking on a row now deselects all other rows in the column while making/keeping the clicked row selected. To deselect or to multi-select, click while holding Ctrl (Windows) / Cmd (Mac).
The effect box tooltips are now more specific about certain effects that are being used by a preset. For example, it no longer says just Distortion but instead Tube Nine, Fat Muff, etc.
The effect box tooltips now say if the current preset contains more than one of an effect with the same name (internally either the same or different effects).
The shape control tooltips now use the more specific names for certain effects (like the effect box tooltips).


Internal LFOs can now again control the Time parameter in delays. This last worked in version 2.1.1. Several presets in the “Ambient Delays” and “Ambient Reverbs” packs are affected, as well as one preset in “Indie Guitars” (“Modulated Pitched Delay”).
Increasing the Time parameter in reverse delays (if a shape control is bound to such a parameter) should no longer cause any click/pop sounds.
Opening Pro Tools projects containing EZmix would sometimes crash (since version 2.1.4).
The selected preset/favorite was not shown as modified (with an asterisk) if the input or output level had been changed by less than 0.4 dB. 0.1 dB is enough now.
In shape control tooltips, several effects with the same name (but internally being different effects) could be listed multiple times, for example “Amplifier Tone, Amplifier” – now they are merged.
Sorting by Instrument, Type, Genre or Producer was quite slow and has been optimized.

rev.2 – allowed unauthorized preset packs



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