
[电子/合成器] reFx Nexus 3.4.4 WiN MacOS

admin 发表于 2021-4-6 20:40:18 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 打印 上一主题 下一主题
应用平台Windows MacOS 


reFx Nexus 3.4.4 WiN MacOS
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新一代的Nexus 3是在前作Nexus2基础上的一次大型升级,增加了许多新晋功能并做了大量改进。带有彩色标签的音色库管理器可简化音色导航过程;全新的16层琶音器最多可扩展至256步,还有经过改头换面的效果器、和弦发生器;基于矢量的GUI可随意进行缩放;更有4个可快速调用的宏控件和20个调制位。Nexus 3新增了350个高质量预设,与Nexus 2完全兼容,不再使用加密狗或第三方工具注册。

reFX Nexus 3的新功能
  • 全新的音色库:以文件夹、类别和预设编号三列分类的音色库管理器更加便于导航,颜色标签可加速挑选音色;可即时预览声音、键入搜索、按类别和标签筛选。
  • 全新的琶音器:改进后的琶音器编辑起来更加方便,可调用多达十六层级琶音器,样式长度最多可扩展至256步。
  • 效果页面:将所有效果选项全部集中在一个页面之上,其中包含4个插入效果、4个均衡器、滤波器、混响、延迟、脉冲和限制器,颜色标签可实现快速导航,用户无需再反复点击,直观地即视信号流程为用户提供实时反馈。
  • 全新的音序器:音序器简单直观 ,可创建最复杂的样式,每步包含多个音符并可分别设置力度。还可放大X/Y轴进行微调,或缩小以查看全局。
  • 基于矢量的GUI:可随意缩放仍保持界面清晰。
  • 宏和更多调制:拥有4个可快速调用的宏控件和20个调制位。
  • 新的云同步功能:可自动将用户的收藏夹、书签、用户预设和设置存储在云中,在新计算机上安装NEXUS3时可随时取回。
  • 快速,轻松地使用资源:预设加载时间和CPU性能得到极大改善。
  • 与NEXUS2兼容:NEXUS3与现有的NEXUS2音色库完全兼容。
  • 更多声音:增加了350多个全新的、高质量的预设。
  • 在线激活:无需加密狗或其他第三方工具,在线激活NEXUS3 只需几秒钟。
  • reFX云应用程序:安装NEXUS3和扩展程序只需点击产品图标。
  • NEXUS3支持 VST/VST3、AU 和 AAX 插件格式,仅适用64位的 Windows 和 Mac

完美支持MAC系统及Windows系统,支持Logic . Live . StudioOne .Cubase.Fl Studio....所有宿主,PC及MAC都有,音色库可放在任何位置,系统盘或移动硬盘均可

Nexus 3 is a complete overhaul of the Nexus 2 engine and features several new additions that the modern producer needs to produce a hit. Some of the new features that excite me the most are the scalable vector-based UI, a brand-new sequencer that is vastly superior to the one in Nexus 2, and NO MORE eLICENSER! That’s right, activating Nexus 3 is a breeze with the new reFX Cloud. There, you’ll be able to easily update Nexus and install newly purchased expansion packs with no hassle at all. Overall, you’ll find that installing and using Nexus 3 is an enjoyable experience.


New Librarian
Completely new librarian. It’s large so it can fit all the content available for NEXUS 3! It features three columns for easy navigation, and displays counters for folders, categories, and presets. Color-coded tags, bookmarks, favorites, and a dedicated location for user presets. Easily find what you’re looking for with instant sound preview, search-while-you-type, filter by category and tags, and so much more.

New Arpeggiator
Time for an arpeggiator overhaul. Access all sixteen layer arpeggiators, in addition to the main arpeggiator. Extend the pattern length up to 256 steps and play the most complex patterns you can come up with. Throw in improvements for more comfortable editing and experimentation, and the result is the best Arpeggiator you can find on the market.

Fully revamped effects page. Now with visualization of the signal-flow to give you real-time feedback. You see what you hear and you hear what you see. Four insert effects, four equalizers, filter, reverb, delay, impulse, and limiter. Color-coded for navigating incredibly fast. All on one page. No clicking back and forth countless times to get to the desired result.

New Sequencer
NEXUS 3 features a brand-new sequencer mode. It’s easy. It’s intuitive. Give it a try! Nothing stands between you and those chords you’ve always wanted to put down. Create the most complex patterns with multiple notes per step and set the velocity individually. Zoom in on the x-axis or the y-axis to make fine adjustments or zoom out to have an overview of the full pattern.

New Vector-Based GUI
Sharp and crisp. Always. Resize to what is convenient for you. No matter the resolution of your screen, NEXUS 3 always looks good.

New Macros, More Modulation
Four quick-access macro controls and a total of 20 modulation slots. Convenient and easy to use.

New Cloud-Sync Feature
Automatically store your favorites, bookmarks, user presets, and settings in the cloud. Getting back your content when installing NEXUS 3 on a new computer has never been easier.

Fast, Easy on the Resources
NEXUS has never been faster and better! Preset loading times and CPU performance have been vastly improved.

Compatible with NEXUS 2
NEXUS 3 is compatible with your existing NEXUS 2 library. Load your old beats into your DAW and load the sounds you’ve had before. Upgrading has never been smoother.

More Sounds
NEXUS 3 expands the factory content by more than 350 new, high-quality, hand-crafted presets. Because one can never have too many sounds.



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