
[钢琴/电钢/羽管琴] 羽管键琴 大键琴 Cinesamples CineHarpsichord v1.0.0 KONTAKT

admin 发表于 2021-11-16 20:23:57 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 打印 上一主题 下一主题
Cinesamples CineHarpsichord v1.0.0 KONTAKT
CineHarpsichord 是对 1624 年法国-佛兰芒语 Iohannes Rückers Colmar 大键琴的现代改编,该大键琴在加利福尼亚州洛杉矶的索尼影业工作室的 MGM Scoring Stage 中手工采样。CineHarpsichord 具有四个停顿和三个不同的声音特征,适用于评分和古典应用。

大键琴有 3 个音色,每个都基于自己的混音:
01 CineHarpsichord
02 Baroque
03 Vintage

主要混音 01 CineHarpsichord 包括与我们其他库类似的 FULL、CLOSE、ROOM 和 SURROUND 混音。使用左侧的混音预设从 Tim’s Mix(主混音)、Dry and Close、Orch Left 和 Right 以及您可以保存的自定义混音中获得各种混音视角。由于大键琴是一种打击乐器,我们将近距离麦克风延迟到与房间和环绕麦克风的时间对齐,以防止出现典型的燃烧效果。该延迟适用于 FULL 混音和 CLOSE 混音。

02 巴洛克组合在各个方面都非常具体——透视、图像和色调形状。因此,只需要一个立体声推子即可。这是一种更贴近环境的混音,没有时间对齐的延迟,以提供更柔滑、远距离的感觉。

03 Vintage 混音在各个方面也非常具体,因此只需要一个立体声推子。
这种混音有利于磁带模拟和离散的外部模拟处理(包括 Chandler EQ 和电子管谐波失真)的更近距离视角。

Authentic reproduction of a classic harpsichord recorded at the MGM Scoring Stage

CineHarpsichord is a modern adaptation of a Franco-Flemish 1624 Iohannes Rückers Colmar harpsichord sampled by hand at the legendary MGM Scoring Stage at Sony Pictures Studios in Los Angeles. With four stops and three distinct sonic characters, CineHarpsichord will be suitable for use in scoring and classical applications.

There are 3 patches of the harpsichord, each is based on its own mix:
01 CineHarpsichord
02 Baroque
03 Vintage

The main mix, 01 CineHarpsichord, includes FULL, CLOSE, ROOM, and SURROUND mixes similiar to our other libraries. Use the mix presets on the left for a variety of mix perspectives from Tim’s Mix (the main mix), Dry and Close, Orch Left and Right, and a custom mix you can save. Because the harpsichord is such a percussive instrument, we delayed the close microphones to time-align with the room and surround microphones to prevent that typical flamming effect. That delay is applied within the FULL mix as well as the CLOSE mix.

CineHarpsichord Perspective.gif

The 02 Baroque mix is very specific in every aspect – perspective, image, and tonal shape. Therefore, one stereo fader is all that is needed. This is a more ambient mix with a touch of the close microphones without the time-aligned delay in order to provide a more silky, distant feel.

The 03 Vintage mix is also very specific in every aspect and thus, only one stereo fader is needed.
This mix favors a closer perspective with tape emulation and discrete out-board analog treatment including a Chandler EQ and tube harmonic distortion.

The Perspective Fader
CineHarpsichord includes our new Perspective Mode feature which allows for changes through microphone positions. When you activate Perspective Mode, a slider appears that gives a smooth crossfade between the microphone perspectives. The slider is automatically mapped to the Mod Wheel, giving instant control of the relative depth of CineHarpsichord.

The disposition of a harpsichord is the set of choirs of strings it contains. The modern adaptation of a Franco-Flemish 1624 Iohannes Rückers Colmar harpsichord we sampled had multiple choirs of strings accessible by switching stops. These included two sets of 8-foot strings, one set of 4-foot strings, and a buff stop (lute stop) – a stop that pressed pieces of soft leather against the first 8-foot set of strings to produce a muted, pizzicato tone.
Single: 1×8′
Double: 2×8′
Triple: 2×8′ + 1×4′
Buff: 1×8′
On the Triple stop, lower velocities reveal a slight time difference between the choirs of strings. This is due to the physical mechanism plucking the lower choir of strings before the upper choir. During normal playing, they sound at the same time.

Round Robin Borrowing
The RR Borrow knob employes surrounding notes as additional round robins. A value of 6 results in up to +/- a tritone of borrowing providing up to an additional 24 round robins per note. A value of zero plays two round robins per dynamic level. Higher values result in more round robins and more tonal variation.

Release Volume
This knob offers control over the volume of the release samples. Note: this will affect the ambience of the instrument.

Normally there is very little dynamic variation on a harpsichord. However, the dynamics control allows for a certain range of variation.

Now Due to library restructuring
Requires Kontakt 6.6.1 and above (Works with both the free Kontakt Player and the paid, full version of Kontakt)

请使用 KONTAKT 6.6.1 或更高版本打开

Home page - https://cinesamples.com/product/cineharpsichord



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