
[混音插件/效果器] 母带通道条 Mathew Lane DrMS v5.2.4 v4.0 WiN,MacOSX

admin 发表于 2021-1-7 17:12:38 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 打印 上一主题 下一主题
运行环境Windows MacOS 
Mathew Lane DrMS v5.2.4 v4.0 WiN,MacOSX
Mathew Lane DrMS v5.2.4-R2R| 11.4MB

DrMS提供了一种处理立体声音频的新方法。它基于MS(中间)处理,尽管DrMS将立体声信号分为四个部分而不是正常的两个部分,从而为您提供了新的控制级别:放大,添加深度,更改宽度或任意组合等等。 DrMS可将您带到立体声场中任何您想去的地方。



为了在原始信号和处理后的信号之间轻松进行A / B比较,内置了一个自动增益电路以确保电平匹配的输出。

DrMS is a unique spatial processor plug-in for Mac and PC, with a wide range of applications for mixing, mastering and post production — going from simple MS (Mid-Side) encoding/decoding, over stereo field width and depth enhancement, to fixing mono compatibility issues and more.

DrMS presents a new way to approach the manipulation of stereo audio. It is based on MS (Mid-Side) processing, although DrMS splits the stereo signal into four sections rather than the normal two, giving you new levels of control: zoom in, add depth, change width or any combination and more. DrMS takes you wherever you want to go in the stereo field.

Each of the four sections has a resonant high pass filter to clean up the lows and a tilt equalizer to soften the highs, plus a sample-based delay line to slightly shift the signal against the other sections. The level and combination of the different sections will result in various changes of the stereo field.

The flexible controls ensure a wide range of applications, both for mixing and mastering as well as for post production. Use DrMS for tasks going from simple MS encoding/decoding, over stereo field and depth enhancement, to fixing mono compatibility issues and more.

For easy A/B comparison between original and processed signal, an autogain circuit is build in to ensure a level matched output.

Native AAX, AU, VST, VST3 – 32 & 64-bit plug-in for OS X & Windows (RTAS support available via older DrMS v4 using same iLok license).
The new underlying framework ensures compatibility with the latest OS and DAW versions, now and in the future.
MS encoding & decoding.
Spatial audio processing: Zoom in, add Depth, change Width.
Striking fresh new GUI with central phase scope and manual entering of parameter values.
New mastering grade filters.
Resonant HPF, LPF and Delay on each of the four processing sections.
New Feedback circuit for reverb creation and special effects.
Full mono compatibility.
Autogain circuit for easy level matched A/B comparison.
Improved GUI with value displays.
Smart MCU control surface layout.
Wide range of applications for mixing, mastering and post production, going from simple MS encoding/decoding, over stereo field and depth enhancement, to fixing mono compatibility issues and more.
Presets developed by Dylan ‘3D’ Dresdow (Black Eyed Peas, Michael Jackson, Usher) and Emre Ramazanoglu (Shakira, Alexander McQueen, Lou Rhodes).
Using Machine Authorisation or iLok2 (or higher) USB dongle for easy authorisation. Comes with Dual license activations.

* No iLok Driver is required to run.
* Our release loads faster and uses less memory than original.

Home Page - https://www.mathewlane.com/2020/10/13/big-sur-compatible/



温宏伟 发表于 2021-2-10 20:18:24 | 显示全部楼层
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berryandy 发表于 2021-6-27 02:05:59 | 显示全部楼层
Thank you for sharing this! appreciate it
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ganxiefenxiang 发表于 2021-6-28 11:20:17 | 显示全部楼层
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smonde 发表于 2021-11-21 17:14:57 | 显示全部楼层

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