
[电子/合成器] 铺底合成器 Zero-G Northern Lights Pad Machine KONTAKT

admin 发表于 2019-12-31 19:05:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 打印 上一主题 下一主题
运行环境Windows MacOS 
Zero-G Northern Lights Pad Machine KONTAKT
Zero-G Northern Lights Pad Machine 是一个适用于 Kontakt 真正激动人心的创造性铺底工具 —— 这是有史以来最复杂最具创意的铺底乐器!

这个极其强大的多层 Kontakt 乐器能够创建最令人惊讶以及史诗般的音景。这些声音真的激动人心,源自于罕见的合成器、金属以及挪威的自然环境声。

简单的说 —— 如果你喜欢史诗般的铺底音色和音景,Northern Lights Pad Machine 绝对适合你!凭借近乎 6GB 的内容,这款令人难以置信的 Kontakt 乐器专注于创建令人惊叹的垫底!无论你是一位电视电影配乐或者是流行歌曲创作者、噪声艺术家、实验性音乐人,或者只是一名爱好者,你都会在这个庞大的音色库中找到一些真正新奇的东西。

你会获得一组功能强大的控制器,它们专用于激发或创建复杂的垫底和音景,你可以控制声音的复杂性、运动和色彩。别忘了超给力的 Storm 功能,它可以运用失真、效果、LFO、控制器和饱和处理这些声音。其界面清晰直观,就像它的设计一样在简单的功能下提供了声音的复杂性。带有广泛的预设,从空气、渐变到琶音以及调制到金属、浊感以及复合的内容,当然所有都可以编辑,可以创造一些全新的独特东西。



Welcome to the Northern Lights Pad Machine. The most complex and creative pad instrument ever made. Create your own paths of beauty from diffuse, soft and glowing masses to fierce, metal, frozen deep, gloomy and cold solitude.


Zero-G Northern Lights Pad Machine is a multilayered Kontakt instrument containing almost 6GB of brand-new audio content and giving you more than 970 original and unique sounds. Multi-layered patches utilizing every possible and impossible sound source. From rare modular synthesizers to metal and sounds from the Norwegian natural environment. All with one thing in mind – to create the most amazing pad sounds ever made!

Whether you are a soundtrack or pop composer, noise artist, experimental musician or just a hobby musician you will find something truly inspiring in this mammoth of a library.

Each instrument consists of at least 4 layers, and the 6 controls of the instruments provides you with an unprecedented creative way to morph between textures, colors and moods. The interface makes you work in an intuitive way, using your ears, not your eyes and analytics. Dial in thousands of unique textures in an instant.

The usability concept (which GUI controls etc.)
The patches are individually mapped to the GUI, so there were no set rules before doing the sound design and using the engine in Kontakt. All sounds use what suits the individual sound best creating a vastly better user experience and result.

Each of the 4 controls continuously morph between dozens of settings in Kontakt, both controller messages and effects. Dials are carefully set up so they relate to each other and interpolate, so that you can be creative and hands on in your own sound design. Easy and fun.

1. Complexity
Volume of layers.
2. Movement
Changes sounds in a moderate to dramatic way using convolution, filters, controllers, LFO, envelopes and delays.
3. Storm
Shakes up the sound in different ways using distortion, effects, LFO, controllers and saturation.
4. Color
Filters, Eq, Phaser, convolution, envelopes.
5. Attack
6. Release
7. Key pressure and pressure length

Try to experiment with your playing technique. Fast touches versus holding long notes gives different results. A great deal of the patches respond creatively with the way you play, so make sure you try it out.

Requires the FULL version of Kontakt 5.8.1 or higher!    请使用 KONTAKT 5.8.1 或更高版本打开

Home page:https://zero-g.co.uk/products/northern-lights-pad-machine
Videos & Demos 1:https://youtu.be/f6rNIjrLtWo
Videos & Demos 2:https://youtu.be/BW9kh3z4EmE



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