
[电子/合成器] Martinic AX73 v1.0.4 WiN macOS

admin 发表于 2022-3-1 20:22:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 打印 上一主题 下一主题
运行环境Windows MacOS 
文件大小44.6 MB

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Martinic AX73 v1.0.4 WiN macOS
MORiA | February, 21 | AUi | VSTi | 44.6 MB
这款插件 AX73 (VST/AU) 具有跨越两个合成器层的四个模拟振荡器、独特的调制功能、扩展的性能选项和一个八模块效果器部分,可释放原始硬件的全部功能以及更多功能——无需菜单切换,并且所有这些都通过我们的高级电路仿真技术完美建模。而且,它包括 600 多个鼓舞人心的预设,让您立即开始使用。

With four analog oscillators across two synth layers, unique modulation features, extended performance options, and an eight-module effects section, this plugin AX73 (VST/AU) unleashes the full power of the original hardware and more – no menu diving required, and all perfectly modeled through our Advanced Circuitry Emulation technology. And, it includes a generous lineup of 600+ inspiring presets to get you started right away.
An interface for the 21st century

Settings View offers a clean, easy-to-use set of parameters for quick editing.
The Keys View, which emulates the look of the original hardware, has also been upgraded with many more functions – no menu-diving required!
The robust Preset Manager allows you to quickly save and sort your favorite presets into "collections" that you can easily export and share with friends!

New Effects Section
Process the synth’s output with eight built-in effects units:
Compressor, Phaser, Flanger, Chorus, Delay, Reverb, Distortion, and EQ
These effects can be routed in any order you like – simply rearrange them by dragging and dropping them in the FX Chain.

Something Borrowed
The best elements from other synths in the AX range have been distilled into a feature-rich reinterpretation of the AX73. Notable examples include: extra chorus settings and the arpeggiator from the AX60, a second VCO and sub-oscillator from the AX80, and an extended VCO octave range down to 32’, as seen in both the AX60 and 80.

Mod Power!
The AX73 plugin also offers far greater modulation capabilities than the original. It features four envelopes per layer (three of which are assignable), and four assignable LFOs per layer. Taking both layers into account, this gives a formidable eight envelopes and eight LFOs.

Split or Stack Layers to build your sound
Uniquely, the AX73 has two layers that can be split across the keyboard - allowing you to play two patches simultaneously - or stacked, providing an extra dimension of sound design. And, each layer has its own independent arpeggiator with 11 built-in modes - including some unusual modes such as Shuffle and Improv - that you can use to quickly create melodies.

Version 1.0.4 (February 10, 2022)

Fixed original AX73 voice allocation corner case.
Fixed issues with M1 version of AU plugin on macOS Monterey.
Fixed possible crash with long preset name in AU plugin.
Fixed possible crash when unloading AU plugin.
Fixed installer DMG view on macOS Monterey.
Improved behavior on new AU install.

Home Page - https://www.martinic.com/en/products/ax73-plus



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