
[交响/管弦乐] 通道机器人管弦乐 Channel Robot Orchestral Dust v1.5 KONTAKT

admin 发表于 2020-4-25 10:55:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 打印 上一主题 下一主题
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Channel Robot Orchestral Dust v1.5 KONTAKT
Team DECiBEL | 22 Apr 2020 | 2.05GB

Orchestral Dust is a dual voice ROMpler aimed at orchestral pad and under-score sounds. Orchestral Dust features version 2.5 of our innovative granular engine AGRA and offers a new approach to generating sounds using granular synthesis and produces some truly different and unique sounds, but always in the "orchestral" area

Orchestral Dust features 12 different multisampled orchestral instruments - and each has a set of articulations and ensemble sizes.

Orchestral Dust allows you independent maximum control over the grain playback for each voice. You can select gain(volume), audio file position and pitch of each grain, and within each of these you can set up your own loops for modulating and evolving sounds.


Orchestral Dust also includes many "classic" synthesis controls, like Attack, Release and filters, as well as a set of classic granular engine controls, like grain size(length), grain density(Rate), grain stereo spread(Width). All of these ad dup to the ability to create uniqe evolving lively sounds for your orchestral underscore.

Alongside these features Orchestra Dust has a powerful set of effects tracks and gates. There's a send effects rack (with 4 different slots). There are also 4 convolution spaces for each voice, Overhead, Room, Studio and Hall. There's our innovative and powerful tempo-based gating system that extends the normal trance-gate approach (which is volume-based) to add additional gating effects using things like different filter types and distortion effects.

We included our innovative scene controls too - you set three "Scenes" or key frames for volume, pan and pitch in each voice and use the mix control to morph between them. We even added our Drift Engine for subtle pitch drifting.


Orchestral Dust is available for Kontakt 5.8.1 (Not for Kontakt Player) and above and comes with over 60 snapshots.

Changelog - Version 1.5:
A new wider, more spacious GUI layout
Simplified granular controls with intelligent parameter management to allow faster access to usable and useful sounds
A tweaked AGRA(granular) engine to be better suited to the orchestral sounds contained here
The addition of 4 effects slots per voice, with each slot populated from a set of 20 different effects
90 new convolution spaces
Additional "Octave Models"
Assignable CC for swell and fade control
"Walk" function for ever changing output
Voice Browser with select-able "favouriting"

请使用 KONTAKT 5.8.1 或更高版本打开

Home Page - https://www.kontakthub.com/product/orchestral-dust/



yuhiyu5 发表于 2022-4-6 10:57:40 | 显示全部楼层
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