
[钢琴/电钢/羽管琴] 8dio 1985 Passionate Piano v1.0 KONTAKT

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8dio 1985 Passionate Piano v1.0 KONTAKT
Team DECiBEL | 26 Dec 2020 | 22.04GB
8Dio 1985 Passionate Grand Piano是一个超深度采样的钢琴库-包含超过66.000个采样,多达10个力度层,5个循环,大量灵活的发音以及所有6个麦克风位置。麦克风实际上是环绕整个钢琴的,因此您可以精确地创建所需的声音。无论是靠近琴弦还是从演奏者的位置聆听。无论是钢琴下方的较暗色调还是使用室内麦克风的更多环境透视效果。我们使用了最好的Neumann麦克风(U87,Um57)和许多其他高端录音室麦克风。

同样重要的是优雅的可玩性。 1985年的热情钢琴在所有速度上都能流畅地弹奏-带有成熟大钢琴的优美,温暖和宽广的声音。您不会注意到这些是样本,而是指尖上的真实乐器。充满生命,个性,自然的共鸣和和声。

热情洋溢的三角钢琴包含深采样延音,Una Corda(毛毡钢琴),Staccatissimo和Staccato的核心。短记断音以5 RR pr记录。力度层-使您能够以清晰的音质播放令人难以置信的快速舔音。感觉和演奏完全真实。 Passionate钢琴还包含我们为声音设计而设计的最新Chaos FX。我们包含了许多新的自定义纹理卷积延迟,这使该乐器能够延迟其他非钢琴声源的纹理。

8Dio激情三角钢琴是爱的劳动。通过真正的模拟老式设备录制并带有6个独立的麦克风位置。封装了更深层次的乐器精神。 66,000个样本,最多10个速度层和一个虚拟仪器,专为构图心灵和快乐的手指而设计。

8Dio 1985 Passionate Grand Piano is an ultra deep-sampled piano library - featuring over 66.000 samples, up to 10 velocity layers, 5 round-robin, a wealth of flexible articulations and all across 6 microphone positions. The microphones were literally surrounding the entire piano, so you can create exactly the sound you want. Whether it is getting close to the strings or listening from the players position. Whether its the darker tones underneath the piano or more ambient perspectives using room microphones. We used the finest Neumann microphones (U87, Um57) and a wealth of other high-end studio microphones.

Equally important is the elegant playability. The 1985 Passionate Piano plays fluently across all velocities - with a beautiful, warm and wide sound of a mature grand. You will not notice these are samples, but rather a real instrument at your finger tips. Full of life, personality, natural resonance and harmonics.

The Passionate Grand Piano contains core both deep-sampled Sustains, Una Corda (felt piano), Staccatissimo and Staccato. The short note staccatos were recorded with 5 RR pr. velocity layer - offering you the ability to play incredibly fast licks with clear definition on the attack of the sound. This feels and plays completely realistically. The Passionate Piano also contains our latest Chaos FX designed for sound design. We included many of our new custom Textural Convolution Delays, which gives the instrument the ability to delay textures from other non-piano sound sources.

The 8Dio Passionate Grand Piano is a labour of love. Recorded through true analog vintage equipment and with 6 independent microphones positions. Encapsulating the deeper spirit of the instrument. 66,000 samples, up to 10 velocity layers and a virtual instrument designed for the compositional mind and happy fingers.

Deep Sampling
The 1985 Passionate Grand Piano contains over 66,000 samples and a functional and familiar user interface. Everything was deep-sampled at a modern European studio and offers you a deeply expressive and emotional instrument. Whether you want the best studio microphones (ex. Neumann U87, Neumann UM57, AKG414s and even custom microphones). And an interface with incredible sound design options or instant access to every articulation and microphone with a single click.

World-Class Microphones
The 1985 Passionate Grand Piano offers you access to 6 high-end studio microphones for pianos, including Neumann U87, Neumann UM57, AKG414 and even custom home-made microphones for unique sounds. The microphones were placed in 5 different positions. Our close microphone gives an intimate, near-string sound. The Ears microphones were placed exactly where the player is sitting. Bottom position is microphones underneath the piano for a darker tone. Mid position mics give a full room sound and our Far position gives you a full rich, ambient perspective. You can literally create any perspective you want with a single click of a mouse.

Deep Options
The 1985 Passionate Grand Piano also includes a wealth of features - allowing you to create in precisely the sound you want. The library comes with both deep-sampled sustains, una corda (felt piano), short staccatissimo with x 5 round robin and staccato notes with x 5 round robin. We call this ultra deep-sampling. We also included unique sound design elements of all articulations, so you can mangle the piano into new directions. We also added our front-face FX, which gives you immediate access to a variety of custom effects for further sound design.

Chaos FX
The 1985 Passionate Grand Piano contains our Chaos FX system, which allows you to virtually do anything you desire to the Grand. Whether its create a step-based filter sequencer, precision dial EQ, bit-crush or distort, stereo-delay or mess around with dual convolution reverbs. We also added our latest convolution, which allows you create Textural Convolution Delays on top of the existing stereo-delay and convolution reverb.

Kontakt VST / AU / AAX
66.000 samples 22.4GB (compressed from 67 GB)
Up to 10 Velocity Layers
6 Pro Microphone Positions (Mix, Close, Ears, Bottom, Mid, Far)
5 Round Robin Repetitions
Custom Convolution Reverbs (+100)
Sound Design Patch /w Independent Piano Elements
Advanced Chaos Effects Systems
Product only available as Direct Download
Full Retail Version of Kontakt 5.6 (or later) Required

Full Retail version of Kontakt 5.6 or later required
Not Compatible with Free Kontakt Player
Ability to download
22 GB / 66.507 Samples
PC Quadcore / 2.4GZ+, 8GB ram
MAC Quadcore / 2.6Ghz, 8GB ram

请使用 KONTAKT 5.6 或更高版本打开

Home Page - https://8dio.com/instrument/1985-modern-grand-piano/



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