
[混音插件/效果器] 多通道合唱效果器 Channel Robot DuoTone Chorus v1.0.0 WIN OSX Incl Keygen-R2R

admin 发表于 2021-11-6 12:20:38 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 打印 上一主题 下一主题
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Channel Robot DuoTone Chorus v1.0.0 WIN OSX Incl Keygen-R2R
Team R2R | 24 Oct 2021 | 29.6MB
DuoTone Chorus 具有一组详细的控件,可让您准确地从合唱中获得所需的声音:每个效果都有速率、宽度、反馈和延迟控件。

每个 DuoTone 插件都使用我们独特的音频路由方法,为您提供全新的效果处理方式。 DuoTone 效果共享一种通用的音频路由方法,因此当您学习如何使用一个插件时,您就已经学会了所有这些。每个 DuoTone 插件都会接收入站音频,应用音量控制,然后将音频信号分成三个独立的路径:A 通道、B 通道和干通道


A 通道和 B 通道具有相似的布局,每个都以参数 eq 开始,具有无限节点,允许您在进入效果之前根据自己的喜好调整入站信号的形状,然后是效果本身 – 使用您的所有控制将永远需要 - 其次是声像控制和独立增益控制。

串联或并联。 DuoTone 效果允许您串联或并联设置。同时,入站音频同时路由到 A 通道和 B 通道。依次关闭 B 通道,将第二个独立的复制效果插入 A 通道,即 C 效果,因此您会得到两个效果(A 和 C),每个效果都具有单独的独立配置。

最后将信号组合到输出部分,您可以再次设置立体声宽度和整体增益。此设置可让您快速轻松地获得微妙或剧烈的音频效果。 DuoTone 效果带有一个预设系统 - 有一小组预设让你开始 - 所以你可以在所有项目中保持你喜欢的布局。

DuoTone: A Unique multi-channel approach to effects.
The DuoTone Chorus has a detailed set of controls to allow you to get exactly the sound you want from your chorus: Each effect has Rate, Width, Feedback and Delay controls.

Each DuoTone plugin uses our unique approach to audio routing to give you a whole new way of working with effects. DuoTone effects share a common approach to audio routing, so when you learn how to use one plugin then you’ve learned them all. Each DuoTone plugin takes the in-bound audio, applies a volume control and then splits the audio signal into three separate paths: the A Channel, the B Channel and the Dry Channel

The Dry channel is just that – no effect applied, but you can add a fixed delay (for those double-tracking effects) and its own volume(gain) control.

The A Channel and the B Channel have similar layouts, each starts with a parametric eq, with unlimited nodes, that allows you to shape the inbound signal to your liking before it enters the effect, then comes the effect itself – with all the controls you will ever need – followed by a pan control and an independent gain control.

Series or Parallel. DuoTone effects allow you to set up in series or parallel. In parallel the inbound audio is routed to both the A Channel and the B Channel at the same time. In series, the B Channel is turned off, and a second independent duplicate effect is inserted into the A Channel, the C Effect, so you get two effects (A and C) one after the other each with separate independent configurations.

Finally the signals are combined onto the output section where again you can set the stereo width and overall gain. This set up allows you to get subtle or drastic audio effects quickly and easily. DuoTone effects come with a preset system – with a small set of presets to get you started – so you can keep your preferred layout across all your projects.

Home Page - https://channelrobot.com/product/duotone-chorus/



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