
[鼓组/打击乐] Zero-G Kitchenology - Domestic Percussion Machine KONTAKT

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Zero-G Kitchenology - Domestic Percussion Machine KONTAKT
令人难以置信的有用和有趣的打击乐 Kontakt 乐器,使用来自厨房的声音!
Zero-G KITCHENOLOGY 是一种令人难以置信的有用和有趣的打击乐 Kontakt 乐器,也可用于声音设计和特殊效果以及作曲。它使用户能够使用不寻常的源、midi 凹槽和 IR 样本创建独特的声音。 KITCHENOLOGY 是通过录制令人惊叹的多乐器演奏家 Charlie Dalin 演奏 48 种不同的厨房用品而创建的,每个样本有 12 个循环。一些录制的项目,如杯子和玻璃杯,可以在一个八度音阶上播放。

KITCHENOLOGY 包含 4 条总线,每条总线带有 12 个单独的乐器,总共提供 48 种厨房乐器/器皿,所有这些都以高清 48KHz 24 位音频录制。

还有 114 个独立的卷积混响,当在每个乐器总线上使用时,它们可以创建无数甚至更独特的声音。一些样本是通过不同的添加方式录制的,例如在碗中添加布料以获得底鼓声音并使库尽可能可用和具有冲击力。其他可用的可编辑参数可实现无限的声音创作可能性。

KITCHENOLOGY 还包括大量 MIDI 律动,涵盖不同的风格、速度和拍号以及 34 个混音快照。无论您的项目是传统歌曲、电影音乐还是音效创作,您都会发现 KITCHENOLOGY 非常适合该部分!

An incredible useful and fun, percussive Kontakt instrument using sounds from the kitchen!
Zero-G KITCHENOLOGY is an incredible useful and fun, percussive Kontakt instrument that can also be used for sound design and special fx as well as composition. It enables the user to create unique sounds using unusual sources, midi grooves, and IR samples. KITCHENOLOGY was created by recording the amazing multi-instrumentalist Charlie Dalin playing 48 different kitchen items with 12 round robins for each sample. Some of the recorded items such as cups and glasses can be played over a musical octave.

KITCHENOLOGY contains 4 busses each with 12 individual instruments to give a total of 48 kitchen instruments/utensils all recorded in high definition 48KHz 24bit audio.

There are also 114 separate convolution reverbs which when used on each instrument bus can create a myriad of even more unique sounds. Some samples were recorded with different additions such as adding cloth to a bowl to get a kick drum sound and to make the library as usable and percussive as possible. Additional available editable parameters enable endless sound creation possibilities.

KITCHENOLOGY also includes a huge selection of MIDI grooves covering different styles, tempos, and time signatures as well as 34 mix snapshots. Whether your project is a traditional song, cinematic music, or sound effect creation, you will find KITCHENOLOGY fits the part perfectly!

Zero-G Kitchenology - Domestic Percussion Machine KONTAKT screenshotFEATURES:
- Custom Kontakt Interface
- Over seven thousand individual 48KHz, 24-bit compressed samples
- 48 instruments on 4 FX Busses
- 34 Mix Snapshots included
- Volume, Pan, Reverb Send, Round Robins, Tune, AHDSR, mute, solo, for each instrument
- Master Convolution Reverb on each bus with 114 room impulses
- 250 MIDI grooves
- Key switch mode
- Drag and drop MIDI to DAW
- Swing and quantize functions with double and half speed synced to host tempo
- 12 controlled round robins
- Automatic Dynamic Velocity
- Automatic Midi mode when used inside DAW


About Charlie Dalin

IMPORTANT: This product requires the FULL version of Kontakt 6.6.0 or higher!
It will not work in the FREE Kontakt Player, except in DEMO Mode.

请使用 KONTAKT 6.6.0 或更高版本打开!

Home Page - https://zero-g.co.uk/products/ki ... -percussion-machine



QinHang 发表于 2024-11-12 14:33:19 | 显示全部楼层
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