
[影视游戏配乐] 电影打击乐 Big Fish Audio Cinematic Percussion 3 KONTAKT

admin 发表于 2019-10-25 16:11:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 打印 上一主题 下一主题
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Big Fish Audio Cinematic Percussion 3 KONTAKT
Big Fish Audio自豪地展示了Cinematic Percussion 3,这是当今一些最具标志性的Cinematic打击乐库中最新的一个。该库包含大量的电影打击乐以及现代的声音设计元素,这些元素将把您带到不同的世界,帮助您创建提高头发的乐谱,并将您包围在现代电影最前沿的声音世界中。

Cinematic Percussion 3还包括所有原始的打击乐干录音,使制作人和混音工程师可以完全控制节奏和湿音,这对于当今的声音至关重要。包括15种构建套件,范围从068-192 BPM塞满了打击乐和声音设计元素,并以最高质量的24位WAV记录下来,并完美切成小节线。

Cinematic Percussion 3已被格式化为使用最广泛的格式:Apple Loops,Acidized WAV和REX文件,使其几乎可用于当今市场上使用的每一个软件和硬件。此外,该库针对Kontakt进行了完全格式化,作为Big Fish Audio KLI 3.0系列的一部分,该库将该循环库转换为真正可塑的乐器。

KLI 3.0系列
KLI 3.0系列使您可以在我们的Kit Combo音色中快速排列和混合音轨,并使用我们的自定义鼓音色来制作完全原始的鼓音色,其中包括多音轨鼓环和一次采样。

KLI系列中的库(Kontakt循环接口)包括一个自定义接口,用于调整循环和声音,超出了以前的范围。每个循环都有自己的补丁,可以通过操纵循环的各个部分进行广泛的编辑。此外,组合在一起的循环演奏组也已获得了自己的音色,从而可以轻松快速地快速安排和混合循环。 Kontakt播放器中的每个音色将自动与您DAW的主机速度同步,从而与您的作品无缝集成。

Big Fish Audio is Proud to present Cinematic Percussion 3, the latest in a series of some of the most iconic Cinematic percussion libraries available today. This library contains massive amounts of Cinematic percussion mixed with modern sound design elements that will transport you to different worlds, help you create hair-raising scores, and envelope you in the sonic world that is on the cutting edge of modern cinema.


Cinematic Percussion 3 also includes all original dry recordings of percussion elements giving the producer and mix engineer complete control over rhythmic and wet FX that are so crucial to the sound of today. 15 Construction kits are included ranging from 068-192 BPM jam-packed with percussion and sound design elements that are recorded in the highest quality 24-bit WAV and cut perfectly to bar lines.

Cinematic Percussion 3 has been formatted in the most widely-used formats: Apple Loops, Acidized WAV and REX files, making it usable in virtually every piece of software and hardware in use on the market today. In addition this library comes fully formatted for Kontakt as part of the Big Fish Audio KLI 3.0 Series which transforms this loop library into a truly moldable and musical writing instrument.


KLI 3.0 Series
The KLI 3.0 Series allows you to quickly arrange and mix tracks in our Kit Combo Patches and make completely original drum tracks using our custom drum patches that include both multi-track drum loops and one-shot samples.

Libraries in the KLI Series (Kontakt Loop Interface) include a custom interface for tweaking loops and sounds beyond what was previously possible. Each loop is given its own patch and can be extensively edited by manipulating the various slices of the loop. In addition, groups of loops that play together have been given their own patch as well making it easy to quickly arrange and mix loops on the fly. Each patch in the Kontakt player will automatically sync with your DAW's host tempo, making integration with your production seamless.

KLI 3.0 Series Version
You must have a FULL version of Kontakt 5.5.1 to use this product.
10.03 GB of content
954 Total Kontakt Patches
77 Kit Combo Patches
46 Single Instrument Patches
830 Sliced Loop Patches
1 Demo Patch

请使用 KONTAKT 5.5.1 或更高版本打开

Home page:https://www.bigfishaudio.com/Cinematic-Percussion-3

Videos & Demos:https://youtu.be/6yV_qkRHE5k



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