
[作曲/编曲] Groove3 Producing Modern Metal Explained(价值 $ 35美刀)

admin 发表于 2021-8-26 15:48:02 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 打印 上一主题 下一主题
Groove3 Producing Modern Metal Explained
27 Videos | Length: 4hr 15min 44sec
Studio pro Gary Hiebner 提供全面的金属制作视频教程!如果您想知道如何创造超逼真、超紧凑和集中的现代金属声音,那么本课程值得一看。 Gary 将带您完成制作和混音金属歌曲的整个过程,专注于所有元素——鼓、吉他、贝斯、人声等——并解决每个元素的具体问题,包括编辑、处理等。这些视频适用于初级金属制作人和混音师。

Gary 欢迎您,首先介绍将用于本教程的歌曲,通过将曲目放入文件夹并将它们路由到总线来组织会话。然后他处理鼓,挑出底鼓、军鼓、钹、嗵鼓和房间麦克风,然后再处理完整的鼓总线。接下来,您将学习几种通过使用 DI a 信号、放大器模拟以及两者的各种组合来创建完整、强大的低音音色的方法。


在课程的其余部分,Gary 详细介绍了人声的处理和混音技术,并提供了有关如何在曲目中创造更多强度和刺激性的技巧。您将了解如何将底鼓和贝斯侧链以提供额外的分离度和清晰度,自动混响和延迟发送以在人声上创建投掷等等。 Gary 通过演示如何使用包括饱和度、多频段压缩、立体声加宽和真正峰值限制在内的母带制作链来结束课程。


Studio pro Gary Hiebner presents comprehensive metal production video tutorials! If you’ve wondered how to create that hyper-realistic, super tight and focused modern metal sound, this course is the one to watch. Gary takes you through the entire process of producing and mixing a metal song, concentrating on all the elements – drums, guitars, bass, vocals, etc. – and addressing specific concerns for each, including editing, processing, and more. These videos are for beginning metal producers and mixers.


Gary welcomes you and begins by introducing the song that will be used for the tutorial, organizing the session by placing tracks in folders and routing them to buses. He then tackles the drums, singling out the kick, snare, cymbals, toms, and room mics, before working on the full drum bus. Next up, you’ll learn several methods for creating a full, powerful bass tone via the use of DI a signal, amp sims, and various combinations of the two.

The guitars are next, and you’ll discover the secrets to creating those trademark heavy tones, including reamping, gain/EQ/mic placement settings, part-layering, ambient clean sounds, and more. You’ll also learn the importance that precise editing plays in achieving the polished sound you hear on the radio.

Throughout the rest of the course, Gary details the processing and mixing techniques for the vocals, as well as provide tips on arranging to create more intensity and excitement in your track. You’ll learn about sidechaining the kick and bass to provide additional separation and clarity, automating reverb and delay sends to create throws on the vocals, and much more. Gary wraps up the course by demonstrating how to finalize your master with a mastering chain including saturation, multiband compression, stereo widening, and true peak limiting.

To see exactly what’s contained in these in-depth metal production tutorials, and how they’ll transform your metal songs from the ground up, see the individual Producing Modern Metal video tutorial descriptions on this page. Learn what you need to make your metal tracks sicker and slicker today… Watch “Producing Modern Metal Explained®” now!

Home page - https://www.groove3.com/tutorial ... ern-Metal-Explained



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