
[作曲/编曲] Groove3 Crash Course Programming Drums in Logic Pro TUTORiAL

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Groove3 Crash Course Programming Drums in Logic Pro TUTORiAL
HiDERA | 29 October 2021 | 180 MB
工作室专家 Sam Gutman 提供了全面的 Logic Pro 鼓编程视频教程!如果您一直想从预先录制的循环和节拍链中解放出来,并在您的鼓音轨上获得创意和具体,那么本课程值得一看。Sam 将带您了解基础知识,并继续使用更高级的特性和功能,在各种音乐环境中展示不同的想法和技巧,以便您可以听到它们的实际效果。这些视频适用于那些不熟悉鼓编程主题的人。

Sam 欢迎您,首先让您熟悉一些在整个课程中必不可少的基本 Logic 功能,包括更改速度/拍号、创建时间线循环和导航时间线。然后,您将通过单击钢琴卷帘 MIDI 网格中的音符并以各种方式操纵它们,从头开始构建节拍。还可以探索选择软件乐器、量化、改变音符力度、应用“摇摆”、合并幻音等主题!

接下来,探索 Logic Pro 的步进音序器,您可以在其中通过单击步进网格中的框来直观地编程节拍。学习调整音序器的更深层功能,包括音符力度、音符重复、随机化和机会。

在本课程的其余部分,您将发现 Logic 的更多有用功能,包括鼓手(该功能使用 AI 根据您的输入创建合适的鼓音轨)、Apple 丰富的循环库(如何编辑它们、创建您的自己的等等)Drum Kit Designer 和 Drum Machine Designer(两者都可以组织和操作您的样本和套件)、Ultrabeat 采样器(具有独特的声音设计功能)等等!

要准确了解这些深入的 Logic Pro 鼓编程教程中包含的内容,以及它们如何让您快速“摇摆不定”地制作自己的摆动节拍,请参阅本页上的 Logic Pro 中的单独编程鼓教程说明. 学会将节拍掌握在自己手中……

Studio expert Sam Gutman presents comprehensive Logic Pro drum programming video tutorials! If you've always wanted to free yourself from the chains of pre-recorded loops and beats and get creative and specific with your drum tracks, this course is the one to watch. Sam takes you through the basics and continues on with more advanced features and functions, demonstrating different ideas and techniques in various musical context so you can hear them in action. These videos are for those new to the subject of drum programming.

Sam welcomes you and begins by familiarizing you with some basic Logic features that will be essential throughout the course, including changing the tempo/time signature, creating timeline loops, and navigating the timeline. Then you'll begin to build beats from scratch by clicking notes in the piano roll MIDI grid and manipulating them in various ways. Also explore the topics of choosing a software instrument, quantization, changing note velocity, applying "swing," incorporating ghost notes, and more!

Next, explore Logic Pro's step sequencer, in which you can program beats visually by clicking on boxes within a step grid. Learn to adjust the sequencer's deeper features, including note velocity, note repeat, randomization, and chance.

Throughout the rest of the course, you'll discover several more of Logic's helpful features, including Drummer (a feature that uses AI to create a suitable drum track based on your input), Apple's extensive loop library (how to edit them, create your own, and more) Drum Kit Designer and Drum Machine Designer (both of which enable the organization and manipulation of your samples and kits), the Ultrabeat Sampler (with its unique sound-design capabilities), and more!

To see exactly what's contained in these in-depth Logic Pro drum programming tutorials, and how they'll quickly get you "in the swing" of making your own beats that swing, see the individual Programming Drums in Logic Pro tutorial descriptions on this page. Learn to take your beats into your own hands ... Watch “Crash Course - Programming Drums in Logic Pro” now!

Home page - https://www.groove3.com/tutorial ... -Drums-in-Logic-Pro

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