
[人声/合唱] 8dio Studio Vocals Laurie KONTAKT

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8dio Studio Vocals Laurie KONTAKT
Team DECiBEL | 14 Nov 2020 | 4.39GB
8Dio Studio Vocals系列:“劳里(Laurie)”,以雄伟而多才多艺的新古典歌手劳里·安·豪斯(Laurie Ann Haus)为例,捕捉了凯尔特,巴尔干,中东和歌剧演唱风格的一系列清晰交响,包括True Legato,Sustains,Marcato和短语。

对于与Laurie的系列(《星际争霸2》,《魔兽世界》,《暗黑破坏神3》,《 Borgias》,《 Witchville等》),我们开发了一种全新的采样方法,并将其部署到Balkan Legato中。该技术称为Flex Legato,可创建更丰富,更多样化的连奏类型-Laurie会在所有连奏过渡上从根本上改变元音。我们还以传统的连奏方式对她的凯尔特人连奏进行了采样,因此您可以使用两种采样方法。

我们记录了三种不同类型的延音,标准延音,带有颤音的延音和微妙的凯尔特风格延音,每个都包含六个元音。 Marcato记录了两种样式,标准样式和巴尔干样式,每种样式包含11个不同的元音。

该系列提供了一个庞大的2 x 20个不同元音库,这是我们在Lacrimosa的200人史诗合唱团中引入的概念。多元音是100%兼容的,因此您可以让Laurie唱出与合唱团完全一样的声音,并完美地匹配它们。

该库包含2.700多个不同的短语,分为不同的类别,例如凯尔特语,Soft Celtic Talking,Soft Middle Eastern,Belting Balkan等。这些短语旨在与多采样内容一起使用,并向您广泛介绍Laurie的广泛的人声调色板。

8Dio Studio Vocals系列:“ Laurie”是一个广泛的软件包,它是从事媒体工作的声音工程师,音乐家和发烧友必不可少的工具。

8Dio Studio Vocals Series: "Laurie", features the majestic and versatile neoclassical singer, Laurie Ann Haus, capturing a deep-sampled set of articulations on her Celtic, Balkan, Middle Eastern and Operatic styles of singing, encompassing True Legato, Sustains, Marcato and Phrases.

For the series with Laurie, (StarCraft 2, World of Warcraft, Diablo 3, The Borgias, Witchville, etc.), we developed an entirely new method for sampling, which we deployed into the Balkan Legato. The technique is called Flex Legato, which creates richer, more varied type of legato - where Laurie fundamentally changes vowels on all legato transitions. We additionally sampled her Celtic Legato in traditional legato fashion, so you have access to both methods of sampling.

We recorded three different types of sustains, standard sustains, sustains with vibrato and subtler Celtic style sustains, each containing six vowels. There are two styles of Marcato recorded, standard and Balkan, each containing 11 different vowels.

The series offers a massive library of 2 x 20 different multi-vowels, which is a concept we introduced in our 200 Person Epic Choir, Lacrimosa. The multi-vowels are 100% compatible, so you can have Laurie sing precisely the same as the choir and match them perfectly.

The library includes over 2.700 different phrases, divided into different categories such as Celtic, Soft Celtic Talking, Soft Middle Eastern, Belting Balkan, etc. The phrases are designed to be used with the multi-sampled content and give you a broad introduction to Laurie's extensive vocal palette.

8Dio Studio Vocals Series: "Laurie," is an extensive package that is a must-have for sound engineers, musicians, and audiophiles working in the medium.

Studio Vocal Series: "Laurie" spans both deep- and wide in terms of its musical styles. Whether you want a beautiful and emotional Celtic inspired soundtrack vocal or a strong haunting sound of Balkan and Middle-Eastern inspired vocals - it is all there at your fingertips. This library is dedicated to both capturing Celtic and Balkan type of articulations - both in regards to True Legato, Multi-Vowels, Sustains, Marcato and our comprehensive deep-sampled selection of over 2.700 different phrases.

True FlexLegato
Flex Legato is a new legato technique we developed for the library. It allows you to play more realistic sounding type of legato phrases. Every time you make a legato switch - Laurie will change vowel on the legato transition and go back to her root vowel. So if you select: "Eh" as your root vowel she could go EH>NA>EH or EH>SU>EH. Flex Legato is based around what felt natural to Laurie and it contains three different types of unique legato that breathes completely new life into the idea of virtual solo vocals.

Massive Articulation Set
The library contains a very extensive set of articulations ranging from our new True Flex Legato to standard Celtic Legato, from a wealth of advanced Multi-Vowels recorded in different tempos to three different types of regular sustains. We sampled two types of Marcato (Classic and Balkan Inspired) and in addition the library holds over 2.700 phrases, which are spread across a variety of categories from soft, ethereal Celtic tongues to strong, powerful and motion picturesque Middle Eastern and Balkan inspired voices.

Word Sequencer
Studio Solo Vocals: Laurie contains a brand new Word Sequencer that allows you to build words and phrases. The Word Sequencer to create complicated sequence of syllables, consonants, multi-vowels and non-tonal sounds. You can sequence up to 64 different articulations and create highly complicated sentences of words. The builder also allows you to randomize sequences, assign advanced controls and we added non-tonal consonants on top of the keyboard for additional sculpting.

Chaos FX 3.2
Studio Vocal Series Laurie also contains our new Chaos FX System (3.0) - giving you instant access to key controls, dual stereo delay, convolution reverb with custom sampled hall impulses, experimental convolution reverb with custom sound designed impulses filter, EQ, bitbrusher, distortion, trace-gate, hyper-flexible range and CC-assignment etc. The Chaos System allows you to transform the sound of Laurie into something entirely different.

- Comprehensive Cinematic Solo Voices
- Featuring Laurie Ann Haus
- Deep-Sampled Cinematic Soloist
- Advanced Flex Legato
- Advanced Multi-Vowels (w/ 20 Sentences)
- 3 Different Sustain Types (w/ 3 x 6 Vowels)
- 2 Different Types of Marcato (w/ 2 x 10 Vowels)
- +2.400 Phrase Samples (w / real-time stretch option)
- 4.8GB of required Disk Space
- Full Retail version of Kontakt 5.5 or later required

请使用 KONTAKT 5.5 或更高版本打开

Home Page - https://8dio.com/instrument/stud ... kontakt-instrument/



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