
[人声/合唱] 8dio Studio Vocals Roula KONTAKT

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8dio Studio Vocals Roula KONTAKT
Team DECiBEL | 14 Nov 2020 | 2.74GB
8Dio Studio Vocal系列:Roula是我们尊敬的个人演唱系列的最新作品,具有Roula Tsernou的独特声音。该图书馆拥有地道的东方-巴尔干-希腊风格的人声,经过深采样的图书馆以独特的新音节,连奏,短语和伴奏来捕捉她作为艺术家的精髓。我们记录了一个和两个音节的短音发音范围,为您提供了各种各样的变体来构建复杂的类似单词的形式。我们还为需要连奏的人准备了一个特殊补丁;它包括7种不同的实际连奏组合,可以混合使用以实现最大的多功能性。它们也可以像短笔记一样组合起来,以实现真正的单词组合,也可以使用真实的连奏。



Studio Vocal系列:Roula包含大量希腊变音节和人声的独特变体,包括(To,KA,Ti,Sto,Is,Me,Ro,Po,Ef,XE,Tha,Mos,以及两个变节,包括Tha-因此,Di-A,Fo-Vos,Di-Mos,Ka-Sios,Ga-la)可让您混合几乎无限的组合来创建真实,真实的人声旋律。

Studio Vocal系列:Roula包含一系列True Legato,并保留各种变体,使您可以切换和选择最佳的声音变体。除了两种类型的免费连奏补丁之外,我们还提供了诸如变体和转弯之类的特殊变体。同样,已记录了Sustain音色,其中包含更直接的音色以及更复杂的选项,例如,倒转或次三升。

我们的延音还带有全新的样本集,如果您正在寻找更多经典方法,则可以使Roula完全记录自己的传统延音。此外,我们还提供了带有(如(上/下莫滕特(半/全音),带装饰的全音,倒转,小三阶升/降,(Ah / Huh),向后五度和双转两次Ah / Huh,以及缓慢和快速弯曲的Ah-E因为(EH-E)快速弯曲。

8Dio Studio Vocal Series: Roula is the latest in our esteemed solo vocal series featuring the unique voice of Roula Tsernou. The library features authentic Eastern-Balkans-Greek Style Vocals, the deep sampled library captures her essence as a artist with unique new syllables, legatos, phrases and sustains. We recorded a range of one and two syllable short note articulations giving you a huge range of variations to build complex word-like formations. We also prepared a special patch for those who need legato articulations; it includes 7 different real-legato combinations which can be mixed for maximum versatility. They can also be combined like the short notes to achieve real word-like combinations that also utilise real legato.

If you want to add even more realism to your scores with this library, we have recorded over 700 Phrases that can easily be added and mixed with the rest of the library. As Roula uses a lot of Minor seconds or modal Eastern-like scales we grouped the phrases by whether they contained a minor or major third. Additionally there are unique phrases at different tempos and root notes such as 120BPM, 100BPM, 80BPM, D, C, G or A.

Finally those looking for a more classic approach we have recorded more standard sustain articulations, for example AH. As well as more complex sustains with more a flair, for example a sustain with a mordent.

Infinitely Versatile
Studio Vocal Series: Roula contains a huge range of unique variations of Greek sounding syllables and vocals including (To, KA, Ti, Sto, Is, Me, Ro, Po, Ef, XE, Tha, Mos, and two syllables including Tha-So, Di-A, Fo-Vos, Di-Mos, Ka-Sios, Ga-la) allowing you to mix almost infinite combinations to create authentic and real sounding vocal melodies.

True Legato and Sustains
Studio Vocal Series: Roula contains a range of True Legato and sustains variants allowing you to switch and choose the best variant for your vocal passage. As well as the two types of free legato patch we have included special variants such as mordents and turns. Similarly, the Sustain patches have been recorded with more straightforward patches as well as more complex options, for example, inverted turn or Minor third Ascending.

Our sustains also come with an entirely new sample set that makes Roula completely her own traditional sustains have been recorded if you are looking for more of a classic approach Additionally we have a more complex sustains with ornaments such as (Upper/Lower Mordent (Half/Whole Tone), Whole Tone Up With Ornament, Inverted Turn, Minor Third Ascending/Descending, (Ah/Huh) with a Double Turn Ah/Huh to the Fifth and Back, Ah-E with a Bend Up both slow and fast as well as (EH-E) Bends up fast.

NEW UI features
Studio Vocal Series: Roula also contains our latest user-interface which includes a set of new front facing features and effects. The Main UI controls include a footer for quick access, these include Attack, Release, Offset and Speed controls to control the playback of the sample. As well as a Pitch Envelope and Glide for creating artificial risers and drops. Articulations can also be reversed and stacked using the Footer Buttons and randomised using the Chaos Button.

The other main UI controls include a Sequencer for quick arpeggio building. XY pads in the Effects tab offers a brand new way to control a range of inbuilt effects. Finally Modulation for controlling Expression, Gate, Tuning and Stereophony (The stereophonic image of the voice)

Main UI Controls - Modulation
The Modulation page has several controls such as: Dynamics (CC1) and Expression (CC11) that can be manipulated individually or linked together, a Gate with intensity and rate controls, free tuning tuning chromatically up or down (both -12 semitones to +12 semitones) and finally a Stereo width knob to control the stereophonic image of her voice.

NEW Chaos 4 FX
Studio Vocal Series: Roula is the first 8Dio library to feature the brand new Chaos 4 FX engine. The new engine gives you access to a range of effects with extreme tweakability. The rack effects can be used multiple times and any knob can be assigned to any parameter of the effect. This gives you complete freedom to create endless variations of effects including, Low Pass, High Pass, Bandpass, Sequencer, Distortion, LoFi, Saturation, Rotator, Flanger, Chorus, Phaser, Delay, Transform, Convolution, and Reverb.

- Comprehensive Cinematic Studio Solo Voice
- Featuring Roula Tsernou
- Western, Balkan and Greek style solo vocal library
- 7 Individual True Legato Types
- 18 Advanced Ornamental Sustains
- +700 tempo synced unique phrases
- 5 Sustains and 15 sustains with ornaments
- Sequencer, Effects and Modulation options
- 5 GB, 24bit/48kHz (2.57GB Lossless compression)
- Full Retail version of Kontakt 5.7 or later required

- Full Retail version of Kontakt 5.7 required
- Kontakt 5 is 32 and 64-bit compatible on both PC and MAC platforms
- Roula requires 2.74 GB of hard drive space
- Runs as host or stand-alone application, VST or Audio Units plug-in, RTAS under Pro Tools 7/8
- Minimum: macOS 10.12, 10.13 or 10.14 (latest update), i5 or Windows 7, Windows 8, or Windows 10 (latest Service Pack), Intel Core i5 or equivalent CPU.
- 8 GB of RAM or more is highly recommended. For TMPro Patches, i7 or equivalent is highly recommended.

请使用 KONTAKT 5.7 或更高版本打开

Home Page - https://8dio.com/instrument/studio-vocals-roula/



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