
[木管] 8dio Intimate Studio Woodwinds KONTAKT

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8dio Intimate Studio Woodwinds KONTAKT
Team DECiBEL | 28 Oct 2020 | 10.61GB
Intimate Studio Woodwinds延续了我们极受欢迎的Strings,Brass和Saxophone库,是我们当代工作室合奏系列中的最新作品。 Intimate Studio Woodwinds提供了160多个小时的会议资料,并且在后期制作中提供了无数的内容,继续了我们完全模块化合奏的概念。该图书馆拥有五支富有表现力的独奏木管演奏者,包括长笛,双簧管,Cor Anglais,单簧管和低音单簧管。每个播放器都被真正隔离地录制,因此您可以在任何乐器和任何发音之间流畅地切换,而不会影响您的声音或音乐定时。


Intimate Studio Woodwinds包含26种发音的大量集合,涵盖了制作听起来真实的Woodwind旋律所需的一切。每个关节分为四个主要类别,使它们都可以从内置浏览器中快速轻松访问。从“传统”类别中选择“断音”,“断音”,“延音”,“颤音”和“连音”。或从我们的演奏组中选择更细微的技巧,例如测得的颤音,以及节奏同步的乐句,例如连音和三连音。最后,“弧形和效果”类别包含不同长度的动态分层弧和一系列效果,例如定向“奔跑”,“瓢”和“颤动舌头”。高级用户界面允许您加载和卸载所选的清晰度,因此您只需要加载项目所需的声音即可。


Continuing from our highly popular Strings, Brass and Saxophone libraries, Intimate Studio Woodwinds is the latest creation in our series of contemporary studio ensembles. With over 160 hours of session material and countless more in post-production, Intimate Studio Woodwinds continues our concept of a completely modular ensemble. The library features five highly expressive solo woodwind players including a Flute, Oboe, Cor Anglais, Clarinet, and Bass Clarinet. Each player was recorded in true isolation so you can fluidly switch between any instrument and any articulation without compromising the sound or timing of your music.

The sound of the ensemble is easily customizable with the wealth of options in the advanced user-interface. Each instrument also allows for extreme control over the stereo image with individual volume, panning, output routing, and the new distance control which enables you to freely blend between a direct signal and a more spacious and ambient microphone position.

Intimate Studio Woodwinds contains a vast collection of 26 articulations covering everything you need to create authentic-sounding woodwind melodies. Each articulation is sorted into four main categories making them all quickly and easily accessible from the inbuilt browser. Choose from articulations such as a Staccato, Staccatissimo, Sustains, Trills and Legato from the Traditional Category. Or choose more nuanced techniques such as Measured Tremolo, and Tempo Sync'd phrases such as Tuplets and Triplets from our Performance category. Finally, the Arcs and Effects categories contain Dynamically layered Arcs of varying lengths and a range of effects such as directional Runs, Scoops and Flutter Tonguing. The Advanced User-interface allows you to load and unload the articulations of your choosing, so you only have to have to load the sounds you need for your project.

The Legato articulation available for each player is incredibly agile and can play almost anything you throw at them. We wanted to record each player simultaneously so that each musician would be working with one another and adapt their playing styles and coloration to match the overall sound of the ensemble. Recording each player this way allows you to pick and choose the instrumentation you would like, and no matter the combination you select, the sounds of the ensemble will still beautifully blend together.

Advanced Browsing
Intimate Studio Woodwinds allows you to load the ideal set of articulations needed for your project, with dozens of playing styles organized into four core categories; Traditional, Arcs, Performance, and Effects. In the core patch, everything is conveniently housed in a single easy to use interface, so you can focus on making music even faster. As well as this we have included individual patches for each articulation, offering you a variety of ways to load precisely the playing styles required and letting you choose the perfect workflow for your next production.

Individual Instrument Mixer
In both the core patch and individual articulation patches each instrument within the ensemble can be instantly loaded and unloaded, allowing you to choose precisely which players you need. Each instrument features control over Volume, Pan, Mute, Solo and our unique Microphone Distance Control for complete control over your studio sound. We have also included individual Output Routing options for each instrument so you can easily assign each instrument to an independent track within your DAW.

Individual Articulations
Intimate Studio Woodwinds was created from over 160 hours of pristine studio recordings. Each articulation has captured and curated with the greatest of care with all instruments recorded simultaneously and in true isolation. The included advanced recording techniques allow you to mix any combination of instruments while maintaining an authentic, believable and symmetrical ensemble sound.

Master Controls
We have also included master controls that affect all instruments within the ensemble. The master controls include Dynamics (CC1) and Expression (CC11) which can be linked using the provided switch, Speed Control (CC16) and a Sample Offset Control for creating tighter legato passages. We have also included a global Noise switch which will reintroduce the analog signal noise that was captured during the sessions, this is perfect for recreating the natural sound of the room tone and gives you the sense of a live recording.

21.87 GB compressed to 11.4 GB (25,564 Samples)
Deep-Sampled Emotional Woodwind Quintet
Deep-Sampled Clarinet, Bass Clarinet, Oboe, Cor Anglais & Flute
26 Symmetrical Articulations with instant access via browser
Advanced Individual Instrument Controls
Tempo Synced & Measured Articulations
Fluent Microphone Control Between Near-Field and Ambient Positions
Master patch and individual patches for each articulation
Product only available as Direct Download
Full Retail Version of Kontakt 5.6 (or later) Required

- Full Retail version of Kontakt 5.6+ required / Not compatible with the free Kontakt Player
- Runs as host or stand-alone application, VST or Audio Units plug-in, AAX under Pro Tools
- Minimum: Intel Core i5 or equivalent CPU. 8 GB of RAM or more is highly recommended. For TMPro Patches, i7 or equivalent is highly recommended.
- Intimate Studio Woodwinds requires 11.4 GB of Hard Drive Space
- Sample resolution: 48Khz / 24Bit stereo .wav, .ncw format
- Format(s): Kontakt

请使用 KONTAKT 5.6 或更高版本打开

Home Page - https://8dio.com/instrument/intimate-studio-woodwinds/



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好 感谢感谢感谢感谢
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